Shree has a new perspective on being Screen Free!

I introduced this challenge to encourage people stay away from their screens for a few hours every week. What if a person does not need the encouragement but had to find an alternative for one little thing in her life away from the screen?image

Shree Janani (my namesake!) who also shares the same nickname ‘Jan’ is a..ehm.. book lover/addict would be an understatement I should say. In her own words “I’m not your typical ‘oh-so-sweet’ and mild mannered lady. I’m the diplomatically straight forward type.”

She reviews books at Book and Ink. If you would like new book suggestions or would like a book to be reviewed do visit her page and do ping her. Continue Reading

Hear hear – about Adult Coloring!

Yaay! Here is our second post on Screen Free Challenge Why should kids have all the fun? Divya is the famous roommate I keep mentioning in my posts. A techie by profession, an old soul, proud feminist, a movie – buff , avid book reader and the list goes on. Adult coloring has been the new buzz in town. She started doing it recently and has been having a lot of fun.

Read on in her own words:

I, like everyone else, am constantly surro Continue Reading