About Me


Thank you for stopping by. This is Jan or Janani , originally from Chennai, India currently living in the United States.

Who am I?

I am someone who wants to make a difference like millions of others in the world. My word is HOPE. I always hope for better things and better people. I care deeply for equality or fairness around me. Equality among people irrespective of their race, background, gender, sexuality, skin color and what not. I love people and conversations. I love meeting new people and create new relationships .

What do I write about?

I primarily started writing about social norms and social causes I care about. I have opinions on many things around me and this was a way to voice them out. But my blog has evolved into sharing many things. Currently it is dominated by my Wedding Series 🙂

I hope to write more about my travels and experiences.

I am a vegetarian foodie..constantly looking to try new cuisines by eating out or cooking with my own bare hands ! So that’s another thing you might start seeing on my blog soon.

I have started writing about my social concerns here: Women’s Web

Why Doodles?

The title was coined about 8 years ago when I started my first blog. I am a doodler. You will see me scribbling on the sides of my book on any opportunity I get and that is how my idea to blog were initially born.

A doodle is a wandering thought, uninhibited and untidy. It has been found to be very beneficial and productive.  ( The New Yorker.)

I still doodle whenever I get a chance and findings such as this has only made this habit of mine more fun.

So that’s me! You might know more by reading what I write.

Disclaimer: All content on the blog is subject to copyright to me or the guest bloggers who contribute. No content can be reproduced without the knowledge of the content creators or without proper credits. If you think any content on this blog belongs to you, please contact me at jansdoodles@gmail.com.

Do follow me :


If you would like a particular topic to be discussed or voiced out mail me @ jansdoodles@gmail.com 🙂

28 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello Jan! You have an excellent blog here with a vast repertoire of subjects. Looking forward to reading you and getting to know you better. Love, Sona

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,
    First of all, I see you as my own sister, since you both carry the same name. ☺ Glad to meet another Tamilizhian here. It is so great that you started blogging for some social cause. Jan sounds more stylish too BTW. 😁 Thanks a lot for dropping in , if not I may have missed such an amazing person here. Keep blogging and stay happy.
    With love,
    Saalai Kamalathaai (SKT)☺

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Jan!! I’m glad to have found a fellow blogger who is a chennaite but currently residing in US. ooohoo we’re just the same.. You have a wonderful blog out here and I read a fair amount of your posts to say that it’s interesting. Keep up the good work, Jan!! ** you’ve a new stalker** 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi! Jan
    I wish all the best for you.
    You explore things in this world.
    The want to write shall make your endeavours more interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very impressive! Keep up the excellent work. Looking forward to more of your post. All the very best!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for following my blog http://www.danetigress.wordpress.com I’ve followed back ! Happy New Year!


  7. beautiful blog Janani… 🙂 Keep it up

    Liked by 1 person

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